A DCP Friendsgiving!

Being away from family during the holidays is rough. There are all of these little things that my family has always done around Thanksgiving that I didn’t think were important — but they are. So it meant the world to me to have great friends here in Florida to share my favorite traditions with. For a group of 20-somethings, we actually did pretty good for ourselves! My friends made stuffing, cranberry sauce, pies, and beans, and I made my mom’s famous sweet potatoes! (The sweet potato secret is lots of sugar, butter, and of course, marshmallows!) Ironically, the only one of our Thanksgiving dishes that didn’t turn out was the turkey! We did that cute Thanksgiving thing where we all went around and said what we were thankful for, and had a great time eating and visiting…

I know that I’m only going to be here for another month or so, but I am beyond grateful to have these people in my life right here, right now. I’ve learned so much from them, and having them around me has made being away from home worth every minute.

To my new friends — thanks for being more than just coworkers. Thanks for being the family that I’ve needed not only on Thanksgiving, but through the whole program.

— Lindsey from Endor